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California Fine Wire is a manufacturer of many types of Thermocouple Wires. We supply the materials below in fine wire and ultra fine wire sizes.
Thermocouple Fine and Ultra Fine Wires
Unit of Measure

Item #

Item Name

Specific Resistance


Hard Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS)

100868 N/A Alumel Type K Thermocouple (TC) Wire N/A 177.000 Ohm·cm/ft N/A 8.58 g/cm³ N/A 170000 psi
100855 N/A Chromel P Type E Thermocouple (TC) Wire N/A 425.000 Ohm·cm/ft N/A 8.73 g/cm³ N/A 95000 psi
100866 N/A Chromel P Type K Thermocouple (TC) Wire N/A 425.000 Ohm·cm/ft N/A 8.72 g/cm³ N/A 150000 psi
100858 N/A Constantan Type E Thermocouple (TC) Wire N/A 294.000 Ohm·cm/ft N/A 8.86 g/cm³ N/A 60000 psi
100853 N/A Constantan Type J Thermocouple (TC) Wire N/A 294.000 Ohm·cm/ft N/A 8.86 g/cm³ N/A 140000 psi
100863 N/A Constantan Type T Thermocouple (TC) Wire N/A 294.000 Ohm·cm/ft N/A 8.86 g/cm³ N/A 60000 psi
100861 N/A Copper Type T Thermocouple (TC) Wire N/A 10.300 Ohm·cm/ft N/A 8.94 g/cm³ N/A 55000 psi
100851 N/A Iron Special Type J Thermocouple (TC) Wire N/A 75.000 Ohm·cm/ft N/A 7.86 g/cm³ N/A 120000 psi
Unit of Measure